
Lifeline gives you the freedom to choose healthcare facilities worldwide and consult with medical professionals at any time.​

The three levels of cover are simple and straightforward, easy to set up, and flexible to fit your needs and budget.


This is the most basic benefit covering hospitalization and day case treatment.


This pays for inpatient treatment in and covers specialists’ consultation and treatment in Clinics, including therapists and complementary medicine practitioners.


This is the most comprehensive suite of benefits covering medical treatments as well as health preservation, including health checkups, dental treatment, and optical programs.

Summary of Benefits




Area of cover

Worldwide / Worldwide excluding USA

Worldwide / Worldwide excluding USA

Worldwide / Worldwide excluding USA

Maximum Annual Limit

SGD 4,450,000 /
USD 3,200,000

SGD 6,650,000 /
USD 4,800,000


In-patient and day-case treatment

Hospital accommodation

Standard Private Room

Standard Private Room

Standard Private Room

Surgery, Nursing care and Specialist Fee




Intensive Care




Parent accommodation




Out-patient treatment

Out-patient Surgical Operations




Wellness — includes mammogram, PAP test, prostate cancer screening, or colon cancer screening


